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Jan. 31, 2023

03: Moving Through Imposter Syndrome

03: Moving Through Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever been a room with people you admire and think, I don't think I belong here. Or maybe you start on a project but get easily sidetracked or stopped because you tell yourself, who am I do to this? If this describes you, then today's episode is for you! You may be experiencing Impostor Syndrome. Let's talk about it and see if we can help move you through it!

Recently a friend told me about her desire to start a small business, and as quickly as she started talking about it, she backtracked and shared all the reasons why she couldn’t do it. Have you ever found yourself doing this, falling victim to imposter syndrome? We all have, myself included, which is why today I want to shed light on this topic. In this episode, I reveal why feeling like an imposter is so common, what research says about it and how you can move through it to get to the other side, where success lies! 

Let’s connect on Instagram! You can find me @authenticandbrave and please leave me a note or send me a DM with your biggest takeaways from today’s episode. I would also be so grateful if you subscribed to The Authentic & Brave Podcast where you listen to your favorite podcasts, and leave an honest rating and review of the show. 

What I Cover In This Episode:

  • How my “inner critic” has impacted my life, despite my experience and what I’ve achieved [4:32]

  • What thoughts often come with imposter syndrome and how it feels in our bodies [5:04]

  • Some examples of the ways that imposter syndrome shows up in our lives and actionable steps to kick it to the curb [7:48]

  • What research says about how a person’s upbringing can lead to him or her having imposter syndrome when older [14:31]

  • How to address imposter syndrome and what I have found works for me [16:16]

  • Why truly overcoming imposter syndrome isn’t about curing it, and what you need to do instead [19:15]

Dr. Beth Russell