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Feb. 28, 2023

07: Therapy 101: The Who, What and Why

07: Therapy 101: The Who, What and Why

Recently, I received a note on Instagram from a listener who wrote to me about her recent loss of a job and how she wants to shift gears to start something new. Realizing she was struggling a bit, she asked me about therapy and if it really helps.

Recently, I received a note on Instagram from a listener who wrote to me about her recent loss of a job and how she wants to shift gears to start something new. Realizing she was struggling a bit, she asked me about therapy and if it really helps people, plus how she can find a good therapist. 

In her words, I saw what so many people struggle with, so in addition to writing her back, I decided it would be a good topic for this week’s episode. 

I hope that after you listen to this episode, you understand a little bit more about what therapy is, the different reasons to go and it gives you some tips for finding the right fit for you. 

Dr. Beth Russell