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June 27, 2023

24: Courage Unleashed: Embracing Authenticity and Being Brave as a Teen with Lilianna Russell

24: Courage Unleashed: Embracing Authenticity and Being Brave as a Teen with Lilianna Russell

Today is a very special episode, as I am talking with my own 15-year-old daughter, Lili, about her journey in being authentic and brave. In this episode, Lili reveals how she was able to understand her true self and to help others, including us as her family, understand as well.

Today is a very special episode, as I am talking with my own 15-year-old daughter, Lili, about her journey in being authentic and brave. In this episode, Lili reveals how she was able to understand her true self and to help others, including us as her family, understand as well. 

I’m so proud of Lili for coming on the podcast to share her very personal story, and for being so open and vulnerable in doing it. We hope what you hear today will be of value to you as well, whether you are a parent or a teenager who is on your own path to understand what it means to live an authentic and brave life. 

Dr. Beth Russell