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Feb. 7, 2023

04: Love Actually IS All Around

Today we’re going to talk about one of my favorite topics: love. Given that Valentine’s Day is coming, I thought spending some time on what it means to love, and to be loved, would be a great topic for us to chat about.  In …
Jan. 31, 2023

03: Moving Through Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever been a room with people you admire and think, I don't think I belong here. Or maybe you start on a project but get easily sidetracked or stopped because you tell yourself, who am I do to this? If this describes…
Jan. 24, 2023

02: What Does It Mean to Bravely Show Up for Yourself?

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word “brave”? In this episode, I want to talk about brave acts and how each day we can choose to be brave.
Jan. 9, 2023

01: Acorns and Authenticity: 3 Ways to Get to Know Your Authentic Self Again

Welcome to Authentic and Brave! Are you ready to get to know who you are? Now? In this very moment? Let's dive in together!